Wednesday 24 February 2010


Why is that so many people just settle in love?

I see so many of my friends and people around me just settling for their other half because they want to be in a relationship, they don’t want to be alone, or just because they are too lazy to go out and see what there is around. Some people I know are going out with their other half just because their other half asked them out and because they couldn’t say no or just loved the fact that someone asked them out without loving the person that was asking.

A key thing to remember is if someone asks you out you can always say no. Although it may hurt the persons feelings that person that is asking you deserves to be in a relationship with someone who loves them wholeheartedly so by saying yes you are only hurting them in the long term. Never confuse the feeling of happiness of someone finding you attractive with loving the person that finds you attractive.

Some people find someone to go out with just because that’s what all their friends are doing and don’t want to be the only one without a partner. This is when it’s a case of anyone will do just so you are not the odd one out as in your head going out with someone you aren’t in love with seems better than being the odd one out.

The problem comes when you have settled for your other half and its now five years down the line and you have got married and/or had kids and you realise this is the rest of your life now. Even if you don’t do the marriage or kids thing the longer you get in to the relationship the more depressed with it you can get. You get to a point when you are not even making an effort with your relationship anymore as you don’t care for it which is not fair on you or your partner.

The older people get the more worried they get about growing old alone so the more likely they are just to settle for someone, anyone, just so they don’t have to be alone and they don’t feel they can be picky as the clock is ticking and another opportunity may not come their way.

The key thing to remember is the most amazing girl in the world very rarely just falls in to your life. If you want to be in love and with an amazing girl where you have to pinch yourself everyday to believe you are going out with them, you have to put in the hard work. You have to be proactive and get out there and never settle until you find her.

I think people settling is a big shame as in love it should never be a case of settling. You should be with your partner because you love them and be besotted by them everyday.

Online Dating


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