Thursday 24 June 2010

Putting the effort in

If you want a girl to find you attractive you have to put some effort in. I don’t mean change your image as I always think you should be yourself and not change to what you think the girl may like. Also if you change your image the girl will eventually work out that you are a fake so long term it won’t work out.

Girls are always putting effort in to their appearance regardless of whether they are trying to attract someone or not and I think that boys need to adopt this attitude as well. You never know when you might meet the one so you should always be looking your best.

I’m not saying you have to go extreme but just take some time considering what you are going to wear don’t just throw any old thing on. Find out what styles and colours work for you. Basics make sure your clothes are washed and ironed if needed.

Do something with your hair, style it or try another haircut. Make sure you are smelling good, try a face moisturiser. Yes all of this is a lot of effort but these things could make all the difference. Its a dog eat dog world out there and appearances do mean a lot so make sure you make one that counts.

Online Dating

Wednesday 16 June 2010

The more I see the less I like

Sometimes you can love someone from afar but then when you get to spend time with them your feelings change for them. Their beauty doesn’t change and you are still attracted to them but by spending time in each others company you start to think that it wouldn’t work and in turn your feelings change.

This can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. You may think well I am glad I got to know them first before asking them out and that you have saved yourself from getting in a relationship with someone you don’t actually like in that way but on the other hand you may think to yourself that you should have asked her out before you got to know so at least you would have gone out with them.

If the girl doesn’t know you are interested in them and you create a situation where you are around each other a lot like a work colleague, classmate etc. you can find out what the person is like. Sometimes this takes time but the more the person becomes at ease with you the more you will find out about them. Also if you spend enough time with them you will find the true person as if they are putting on a façade they can’t keep that up all the time.

In this process sometimes you will realise you aren’t in love with the person any more or it may just happen organically without you realising. Remember just because you are attracted physically to someone it doesn’t always mean you will be attracted to their personality.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Giving up can sometimes work

Now it is not always the way to win a girls heart but it can sometimes work. Sometimes if you are trying too hard to impress it may put a girl off but if you were just being yourself and not trying to win them over they may start to like you.

If a girl knows you are trying to impress them it may scare them off before they get to know the real you. When a girl knows this it can make conversation between you awkward and limit the chances you have of winning their heart.

As likeable person you will sometimes come off better if you aren’t actually trying at all. This will make you more natural and less intimidating to the girl you have been trying to chat up.

If you have been trying hard to win a girl over for sometime and then you stop the girl may miss this attention and realise that they do want to be with you. If they weren’t aware that you were trying to chat them up and then you stop they then may realise what you were trying to do and work out that you like them.

If all else fails this is always worth a shot, what have you got to lose. It’s the no effort solution which can sometimes hit gold.

Online Dating

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