Tuesday 16 March 2010

Not Rushing In

At the moment there is a girl I love with all my heart, but she doesn’t know it. I speak to her most days but I have no clue if she likes me or not. I keep thinking to myself should I just come out and say how I am feeling to her or will that scare her off?

Should I first be laying the groundwork and building up a friendship first before saying anything? I just don’t know what the best course of action is. At the moment in my head I think everyday that I don’t tell her how I feel is wasted as if she liked me we would be together and the quicker I tell her the more time I will be going out with her for.

However the flipside of that is if I do tell her and she isn’t quite in the same place I may scare her off for good whereas if I had waited she may have one day grew to like me. I think she likes me but I have no reason to be certain so I don’t know what to do?

Either way its not good as if I wait a few months and ask her out and she says yes then I will always be thinking I should have done this months ago but if I ask her and she says no I will have blown my chance forever. I would rather keep trying to make her like me and live in a world where I can think that she likes me rather than knowing she doesn’t like me. That’s just a personal thing some people may want to know right away so they can move on but this is one dream I want to hold on to for a long as I can so I think I am going to make the hard decision and wait as much as it is killing me inside.

Online Dating


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